Thursday, 28 March 2013

NAET Therapy & Allergy Treatment Part II

Most patients at the Lotus Wellness Centre have usually reported almost immediate relief with the starting of the treatment. This makes them more enthusiastic to continue with the treatment. The best part of the treatment is that once the allergens are cleared, they tend to remain that way.

It has been noticed, that the best results are obtained when the allergens are cleared in a specific order. If a person has many allergens, we start by treating one by one the patient is asked to avoid that substance for a particular period.

But the most important part of the NAET treatment begins with the understanding that allergies can cause real illness and a constant contact with an allergen, without knowing what it is can result in toxins which leads to diseases of different kinds.

NAET treatment process-

Once the diagnosis for the allergens is over with the treatment starts, by treating one allergen at a time.

  • After the treatment, an MRT shows whether the allergy has been removed or not.
  • This is followed by a massage of specific acupressure points followed by an insertion of needles in order to stabilize the treatment.
  • The wellness expert will ask the patient to be off the substance causing the allergy for at least 25 hours after the treatment for best results.
  • Though one session is mostly ok to deal with an allergen, certain patients who are more sensitive might need more.

Allergy Treatment in Southern California is accomplished by the stimulation of the spinal nerves with the help of specific acupuncture and acupressure through spinal manipulation protocol.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

NAET Therapy & Allergy Treatment Part I

The NAET treatment, developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad is an allergy Elimination Technique which is based on classical acupuncture performed without needles. The treatment helps in clearing allergens one at a time. The NAET treatment is non-invasive, painless and completely holistic kind of treatment that is very effective in holistic, painless, non-invasive, and drugless. It is a breakthrough treatment for permanently relieving allergy-related health problems.

The Lotus Wellness Centre has introduced the NAET treatment, very successfully and treated many patients who have come to us with allergy related sensitivities. We understand that in today’s toxic filled environment, allergies have become very common. Most people are allergic to something or the other; it’s just that they don’t realize what they are allergetic to. In the Lotus Wellness Centre we help you find the cause of allergy through our diagnostic experts and treat your individual problem accordingly.

Why the NAET treatment?
  • NAET treatment is based on a synthesis of different medical disciplines and draws in parts from Chinese medicinal principles, acupuncture, acupressure and nutrition acupuncture, kinesiology, chiropractic and nutrition based disciplines.
  • The treatment utilizes Muscle Response (MRT) to the imbalance in the body caused by allergens.
  • It stimulates pressure points along the spine while the patient is holding an allergen and helps in clearing it.
How long will the NAET treatment take for results?

Success of the NAET treatment depends on which part of the body is being treated, and how bad the condition is. But having said that, some treatments might take anything from six months to nine months of treatments with sessions every week.

Monday, 25 March 2013

What Education is required to be a Chiropractor?

Chiropractic is a natural treatment based on alternative healing techniques. Its approach to healing is different from that of Allopathic medicine, which sometimes has reactions on the body. Chiropractic is completely and has been tested and tried in the prevention of common health problems relating to neuromusculoskeletal complaints and others like from allergies, asthma, etc.

Basic concepts of chiropractic

  • Use your body’s natural self healing abilities to cure
  • The treatment is based around the body structure, mostly around the spine.
  • Treatment is based on a harmony established between the body and mind

Chiropractic treats problems like allergies, back pains, headaches, chronic pains, Asthma and many others. The patient must attend different sessions as prescribed by the wellness expert.

Chiropractic experts are practicing doctors of chiropractic , and certified in the same. They a therapy called spinal manipulation, which is commonly used for treatment of the spinal cord area. The usual way of treating a patient with Chiropractic at Lotus Wellness Centre follows the following methods.

  • A broad diagnosis
  • Recommending therapeutic measures
  • Prescribing the patient rehabilitative exercises
  • Guidance in diet and lifestyles

Patients at Lotus Wellness Centre should know that Chiropractic is well recognized as a safe and drug-free, treatment, which provided almost immediate relief to patients with all kinds of joint, back and neck pains.

Chiropractic is mostly regarded as risk free and very effective if administered well. In fact in many a case, it has been reported as a better treatment that traditional Allopathic medicine.

At the Lotus Wellness Centre the issue of safety is taken up seriously and our doctors are updated on all the necessary research that is being conducted in this field of healing.

California Chiropractic Therapy treatment is for everyone whether it is small children or pregnant women. It is widely used for sports related injuries.

Patient education on Acupuncture and how it helps you in healing

Acupuncture has become a part of alternative medicine in most countries outside China, where it has been practiced since ancient times. It has been recognized by the World Health Organization as well as the National Institutes of Health as a safe drug free therapy that is effective in treating a large number of health issues that might not otherwise respond as well to Allopathic medicines. Some of these ailments include chronic joint pains, allergy, infertility problems, depression, anxiety, and weight loss amongst many others.
California Chiropractic Center have qualified and certified wellness experts who use different methods to treat our patients. The methods used by Acupuncturists might vary slightly, ranging from the use of traditional sterile needles to more modern methods of electrical stimulation. In many places, the cupping of glass cups is also used for suction. Among the other treatments, heat therapy is used for increasing circulation.
Acupuncture can be used for the following treatments and there are some treatments where it has been especially effective, some of them are-
Pain- Acupuncture has effectively treated pain in joints and even chronic pain cases. Acupuncture has been very effective in especially treating arthritis, sciatica, and sports injuries and most cases of chronic and long term pain, which were otherwise not too effectively treated by Allopathic medicines.
Acupuncture has also treated digestive disorders, especially for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn and constipation.
Reproductive health problems have been tackled by Acupuncture too. This involves dealing with infertility problems, irregular and painful menstruation has been tackled very successfully. Acupuncture helps in restoring hormonal balance due to PMS. Many women have used acupuncture to treat their discomfort with problems related to menopause.
California Acupuncture Treatment has also been used to treat mental health. Also related diseases like depression, stress, fatigue or insomnia have also been treated with Acupuncture.
Apart from these, Acupuncture has effectively treated respiratory problems. People with asthma and chronic sinusitis too have benefitted. Problems related to weight loss, battling different kind of addictions and enhancing beauty amongst women have been some other commonly treated ailments with Acupuncture.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Acupuncture For Back Pain

Different Types Health Care Facilities at Lotus Wellness Center

At the ‘Lotus Wellness centre’ we have tried to bring to our patients an ancient system of healing that dates back to about 5,000 years and which has been successfully practiced on several chronic ailments that refuse to be treated with Allopathic medicines. The ‘Lotus Wellness centre’ believes that one particular part of the body cannot be well if the entire body is not really well and by that logic one body ailment in one part cannot be treated unless the whole is treated.

In fact sometimes in certain medical conditions some Allopathic medicines have caused more harm to the body than correct. Allied with such fears and looking for alternative treatments that are more holistic in their approach, people have turned to natural systems of caring that include methods like, Acupuncture and Chiropractic care which practiced along with restorative care have resulted in excellent healing systems that benefited many of our clients.

‘Lotus Wellness centre’, bases its care on the following treatments-

The ‘Lotus Wellness centre’ care makes sure that our specialized health care experts work along with the patients, in order to understand their bodies and prescribe a treatment is allied to their particular body type. These treatments and methods support the body's natural healing system and give the entire metabolism a natural boost.

In Chiropractic care as with Acupuncture, we begin with understanding the base of the problem, before we treat a particular symptom. We use the symptom is as a guide to search for the problem that lies below the surface of the superficial symptom. For this we follow few steps, such as-

Providing pain relief care- The first step, when you reach our office is to help with cope with the pain. Upon analyzing your situation your problem, you will be called in for your sessions every week.

Restorative Care -is the second part of the treatment, during which corrective care is taken apart from which the muscles and other tissues are given healing time. This helps in prevent injury and the chances of pain recurring. Depending on your body type and overall health conditions you will be advised to meet the medical practitioner over different sessions through a span covering a month or two.

After care- Once the body has been treated and the root cause of the problem been addressed, the body is back on the road to healing. At this stage the specialists in the ‘Lotus Wellness centre’ will call you only once in a while to monitor whether the body is progressing in the direction it has been set to. You will need to come for periodic checks once in a while based on the speed of your recovery and how well your body has adapted to the treatment.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Lotus Wellness Center is an alternative medical practice specializing in healing, improving and maintaining your health through Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Allergy Relief (NAET).

Lotus Wellness Chiropractic & Acupuncture therapy Services

‘Lotus Wellness Center’ in Orange County seeks to be a must visit for all of you that there is more to medicine that Allopathic treatments and that the body actually responds very well when you give it the respect of living well rather than concentrating on one type of illness. ‘Lotus Wellness Center’ believes in healing both the body and the mind through techniques that have been mastered over thousands of years and in the safe hands of our expert practitioners.
We would like to have you feel that ‘Lotus Wellness Center’ will be your complete guide in your path to overall well-being achieved through completely natural methods that rely on ancient science and secrets of well being practiced through methods such as chiropractic therapy and Acupuncture therapy in treating diseases as diverse and complicated as Arthrits, Full Body Pain Management, Chornic Fatigue, Allergy Relief and many others that respond very well to such treatments and have been a source of tremendous wellness for our clients.
If you believe like us that the body should be treated with more respect and deserves an overall understanding rather than popping pills, we would like you to try out our range of rejuvenating techniques and complementary therapies and treatments that will assist you in your path to complete well-being.
Located in the Orange County, we are leading natural health professionals and our wellness center is dedicated to helping clients like you achieve your wellness goals in a combining of scientific expertise based on ancient techniques that have been used to treat modern disease beginning with an understanding of your body type and specific condition.
Patients seeking treatment at ‘Lotus Wellness Center’ cab be assured of the best quality care applied with expert practitioners and use the latest technology to assist in the treatment.
Chiropractic Doctors Lincoln Avenue
Those who come to Chiropractic Doctors Lincoln Avenue at ‘Lotus Wellness Center’ understand that holistic treatment is a way of life that cannot be achieved overnight. The focus of the treatment is on the whole person and their connect with the environment. This not only helps in achieving maximum well-being, but often also brings out unknown reserves of strength and resilience that is crucial to the well being of a person.
Our Chiropractic and Acupuncture Experts provide holistic healing with an aim at providing best health through Chiropractic and Acupuncture practices, apart from Allergy Relief, and other Functional Medicines as and when necessary for the client.
At the ‘Lotus Wellness Center’ our treatment and care for the patient is based on the belief and understanding of our client’s problems. Our team of qualified practitioners will be at your service to provide you with the best of treatments and after care.
If you are not sure about what treatment is right for your specific ailment, you might want to set up an appointment with our physicians, to help assess your case. 

Monday, 4 March 2013

Massage Therapy

What we know today as massage therapy is actually an ancient art that has been in practice for thousands of years in different countries and their benefits widely acknowledged in society. While there are a huge number of massage therapies and different styles that experts would advice you on. Massage Therapy for medical conditions is best done under expert supervision and by trained doctors who know how to get the best of this technique for a particular ailment.
Like many other alternative medicine techniques, the massage therapy involves a variety of techniques that revolve around the right kind of pressure and movements. At the Lotus wellness Centre, our doctors have treated patients from California with different kinds of body pain and stress levels in order to give relief to a large extent and many of our clients have had long term benefits from such massage therapy sessions.
For this we have developed universally acknowledged techniques with our indigenously researched methods involving methods of pressing that manipulate muscles, rubbing techniques or how to better circulation with the right amount of pressure with fingers or even feet and forearms.
Massage therapy with its long history and affects around the world is today, widely acknowledged for a variety of health reasons even in the United States and there are many who want to use this as an alternative medicine rather than opt for the medicinal affects of Allopathic medicine on the body. Incidentally, massage therapy is considered part of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and much research has been taking place on how this therapy can be used more beneficially for different ailments.
At the Lotus wellness Centre we have received positive feedback from our clients in California about the benefits of massage therapy. It is indeed refreshing to see many people and doctors realize and offer the massage therapy as a standard method of treatment, sometimes even complementing other treatments for a list of medical conditions like-
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Asthma and Emphysema
  • Different kinds of body pain
  • Dislocations
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fractures and Sports injuries
  • Any kind of strain related problem
  • Stress related conditions
Studies and research about massage therapy has shown the various benefits of such therapies in reducing pain and stress. In fact if done well it can wonderfully be complemented with Allopathic treatments also or be used in exclusion. One cannot however stress the importance of such treatments and good knowhow on the part of those who do it. It is precisely this which makes the Lotus wellness Centre such a credible name.
The Lotus wellness Centre brings to its clients in and around California regular massage therapy treatments from registered massage therapists who have been well trained in this matter and know about the pressure points and are adequately knowledgeable about the dangers of wrong treatment. We recommend to our clients that whether you want a massage therapy for relaxation, or reducing stress related pain or even in treating chronic pain, massages can be therapeutic. It not only enhances the overall sense of well-being as well as your quality of life.
The best part of the massage therapy is that people from any age group can benefit from it. Moreover, a well done massage therapy not only benefits the body but can also help it from preventing people from injury, other types of illness and keep away from the ill effects of being stressed out. The Lotus wellness Centre has actively treated patients with the massage therapy in for acute and chronic stages of body pain which has over a period of various sessions seen pleasing signs of being reduced largely.
Lotus wellness Centre recommends different kinds of massage therapy in order to-
  • Improving overall blood circulation in the body
  • Reducing or eliminating pain
  • Help in reducing tension
  • In increasing lymphatic drainage
  • Helps in improving joint mobility
  • Improving immune system functioning
  • Helps in reducing anxiety and stress related problems
If you want to take advantage of the rich benefits of massage therapy or even talk to us about the help it has brought to the lives of so many in easing out muscle tension and pain or reducing stress related day to day problems, you could phone us at 714-637-6370 or even email us at -