Wednesday 27 March 2013

NAET Therapy & Allergy Treatment Part I

The NAET treatment, developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad is an allergy Elimination Technique which is based on classical acupuncture performed without needles. The treatment helps in clearing allergens one at a time. The NAET treatment is non-invasive, painless and completely holistic kind of treatment that is very effective in holistic, painless, non-invasive, and drugless. It is a breakthrough treatment for permanently relieving allergy-related health problems.

The Lotus Wellness Centre has introduced the NAET treatment, very successfully and treated many patients who have come to us with allergy related sensitivities. We understand that in today’s toxic filled environment, allergies have become very common. Most people are allergic to something or the other; it’s just that they don’t realize what they are allergetic to. In the Lotus Wellness Centre we help you find the cause of allergy through our diagnostic experts and treat your individual problem accordingly.

Why the NAET treatment?
  • NAET treatment is based on a synthesis of different medical disciplines and draws in parts from Chinese medicinal principles, acupuncture, acupressure and nutrition acupuncture, kinesiology, chiropractic and nutrition based disciplines.
  • The treatment utilizes Muscle Response (MRT) to the imbalance in the body caused by allergens.
  • It stimulates pressure points along the spine while the patient is holding an allergen and helps in clearing it.
How long will the NAET treatment take for results?

Success of the NAET treatment depends on which part of the body is being treated, and how bad the condition is. But having said that, some treatments might take anything from six months to nine months of treatments with sessions every week.

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