An increasing number of people are turning to NAET as a very real form of treating problems related to allergies, trying to eliminate reactions to different types of food and substances, through a mix of treatment that uses acupuncture/acupressure, energy balancing, different tests and other treatment procedures that are from different fields of medicine such as chiropractic, allopathy and other related nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines.
The treatment has often been highly successful and a large number of patients have benefitted from this kind of a therapy. NAET practitioners California have been practicing this form of healing for a few years now and clinics such as Lotus Wellness Center have provided relief to many patients.
Thanks to the fact that NAET as a treatment is completely non-invasive and drug free, makes it a favorite amongst those who want to opt for natural health solutions. There are many mis-conceptions about the treatment, but NAET practitioners Orange County , or anywhere else for that matter are a trained lot. They are certified health professionals who are thoroughly trained in acupressure as well as NAET methods of treatment. From time to time the practitioners are given additional training too.
In the past few years many thousands have opted to train in NAET and you are sure to find a practitioner near your place.
The doctors usually treat one allergen at a time. The number of sittings needed for each patient depends on the condition of your allergy. Those with mild to moderate allergies may need many visits while in some others who have a light problem, even one or two sessions might start showing positive results.
During the initial visits, the practitioner will have a thorough test of your body type done, where the state of your allergen and the reasons for it will be diagnosed. NAET has successfully treated adverse reactions that people have had to things as diverse as penicillin, make-up, perfume, egg, grass, milk, flowers, peanuts, aspirin, shellfish, ragweed, and so much more.
When you come to the Lotus Wellness Centre , the patient is given a thorough examination, the patient’s diet is observed and the doctors here start the treatment with basic essential nutrients. At a later stage, environmental allergens, problems with chemicals and vaccinations amongst other things are, treated.
Though most NAET practitioners in Orange County have been trained under Dr. Nambudripad the originator of this theory, there are slight and subtle variations from clinic to clinic or even depending on the condition of the patient. Sometimes only one kind of treatment might be required, while different conditions might need extensive treatment.
Whatever the case, patients who opt for this treatment are sure that they do not want the effect of drugs on their body and are ready to sometimes wait for the treatment to show its effect.
If you have a problem that you want to be treated outside Allopathic treatment, give us a call to schedule an appointment, one of our doctors will be happy to have a look at your case and advice you based on your condition.
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