Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Cheap & Best Chiropractic health care Orange Country

There are many amongst you who are probably tired of being unhealthy, and being bogged down by body pain that does not let you lead a normal healthy life. If you have had enough of that and you can see that Allopathic medicines aren’t getting you anywhere, maybe it’s time to start Chiropractic health care Orange Country.

There are thousands of Americans, who pop pills every day in an attempt to secure better health for themselves, but is it really getting them anywhere? The question often has remedies that you might not be aware of. And even though the drug companies would have you believe that pills are the last solution to every physical problem that may not be the ultimate truth.

Often the problem lies in not looking at the root cause of pain and healing that. This is exactly what Chiropractic health care does, it tries to diagnose what is it that is wrong in your body, which is causing you the pain and then decides on a method of treating the problem through the body’s natural healing methods. Chiropractic Health Orange County is geared at not only treating a particular condition, but also getting your body back to its peak physical form which gives you lesser chances of recurring pain.

Why Chiropractic healthcare?

Pain is the body’s way of letting you know that there is something wrong in your body and it is also an indicator that you need to remedy what is wrong before it gets worse! The Chiropractic health care way is a natural and healthy way of achieving not only better health but also a fit body that can resist incoming disease and pain.

Chiropractors in Orange County practice safe and a natural way to good health which is also very effective in eliminating pain.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

How to Do Back Exercise

Back exercises if done under able supervision or in the correct methods, for a reasonable time frame, can actually help in healing. Back exercises go a long way to rehabilitate the spine and help decrease your pain.

How to do back exercises

- Back exercises must be done in a controlled and gradual manner.

- The patient must consult a spine specialist before starting back exercises.

- At Lotus Wellness Centre we have trained experts who will help you in developing an individualized program of back exercises that will help you in dealing with pain.

- Back exercises need to be done in correct form and technique as prescribed by professional trainers.

- In order to be effective, the patient’s program at Lotus Wellness Centre is comprehensive, and takes care of the whole body, while also working specifically on the back.

- Two specific and effective back exercises that treat back pain well are McKenzie exercises and dynamic lumbar stabilization.

- You might need back exercises if-

- You pull or strain your back, which will lead to back problems.

- If you indulge in strenuous physical activity

- If you lift too heavy weight suddenly

- At the Lotus Wellness Centre we advice all the patients who come with back pain problems on the need to protect their back and the measures that can be taken in this regard. Our trainers and wellness experts take stock of the patient’s lifestyles and try and give you a program for back exercises based on your schedule, particular problem and its condition.

- When you begin with the back exercises, if you already have a problem, you might feel uneasy or discomfort initially. But light and gentle exercises everyday under the guidance of out trained professional will help you in the long run. Moreover we make sure that you don’t overstress yourself and are well within your limits.

- The back pain exercises that are generally prescribed to the patients at Lotus Wellness Centre are gentle and help in stretching and strengthening the muscles of your back. This will help give pain relief to the back as well as help in speedy recovery.

- We recommend that you don’t try back pain exercises by yourself at home initially because you might just worsen your condition. Our experts at Lotus Wellness Centre will be happy to help you in this regard.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Why we need to do Back Exercise?

Everyone knows the rather important role of exercise in the overall fitness of the human body, but perhaps no one knows the importance of back exercises, more than those who have back pain, because of the relief it brings to them, if done in a proper manner. At Lotus Wellness Centre we realize the importance of back exercises and prescribe different postures and exercises to our patients.

Back exercises as the name suggests is especially done to relieve back pain, it can be of two types. The first type of back exercises , are those that are done for the injury that the back has had and the other are those set of exercises which are done in order to prevent injury. You’ll be surprised at the number of people who treat their backs callously, without realizing how much damage one can do to it. As a result back pains are very common and there are several millions of people who suffer from it.

Why are back exercises important?

Many people are under the impression that if you have back pain you should take it easy and rest to make it go away. But that unfortunately, is a wrong notion because the back condition needs correction.

In case of extreme pain, one must of course head with extreme caution and the back exercises must be light and very gentle on the body .

Monday, 8 April 2013

Treatment methods of Chiropractic Doctors Lincoln Avenue

The Chiropractors at the Lotus Wellness Centre base their treatment with a mix of spinal adjustments and other therapies.

Rather than conversations on the phone or online consultations, we advise the patient to visit the office for a comprehensive physical exam after which the patient will be given recommendations for treatment by the Chiropractors

Standard nervous system and orthopedic tests are conducted to gauge the physical condition of the patient.

Treatment includes physical rehabilitation and recommendations for special exercises. Mechanical and electrical therapies, hot and cold treatments have also been effectively used.

Patients with any abnormality are regularly monitored and regular consultations with the specialist are scheduled.

Chiropractic Doctors Orange County conduct routine pulse oximeter readings , for patients who visit the Lotus Wellness Centre

Trauma patients are assessed for short and long term memory and based on mini-mental status tests treatments recommended.

The Chiropractic Doctors Lotus Wellness Centre offer wide range of health and wellness services that treat most kinds of body pain like that of back and neck, shoulder, wrist, etc. Our experienced Chiropractors will work on you and your pain in not only detecting the root cause of the problem, but also help in removing it, so that you start feeling better as soon as possible.

Our attentive staff, are trained to make sure that not only is each patient well cared for but they are made to feel welcome and cheerful. Treatment at, Lotus Wellness Centre by the Chiropractic Doctors Lincoln Avenue if your body pain has been troubling you.

Chiropractic Doctors Lincoln Avenue

At the Lotus Wellness Centre, we often receive queries about the effectiveness and uses of the treatment that our Chiropractic Doctors Lincoln Avenue practice. This often stems from the fact that till today there are many who are not aware of the effectiveness of the Chiropractic treatment or what it can achieve for your body.

A few years ago, the British Medical Journal reported that a three-year study devoted to the study of Chiropractic treatment had established that Chiropractic care as a treatment is not only effective but has a higher patient satisfaction than outpatient medical care.

The study involved 741 men and women who had low back pain. A 3 year follow up on these patients showed that there was a remarkable improvement, sometimes 29% higher than those under regular medical care.

At the Lotus Wellness Centre our Chiropractic Doctors Orange County have treated several patients who have post our treatment, rated chiropractic to be more effective for them than the hospital treatments they might have tried out before. Often such patients have derived long term benefits and fared much better in handling their problems.

What does Chiropractic Doctors Lincoln Avenue do for you?

Our Chiropractors have been effectively treating and handling patients with musculoskeletal system problems. In such situations, they use techniques like spinal manipulation amongst others to treat the patients' problems. It must be noted here that the treatment offered at the Lotus Wellness Centre by our Chiropractic Doctors Orange County are totally based on the Chiropractic philosophy of a non invasive treatment based on natural methods of treatment without resorting to drugs or surgical procedures.