Wednesday 10 April 2013

How to Do Back Exercise

Back exercises if done under able supervision or in the correct methods, for a reasonable time frame, can actually help in healing. Back exercises go a long way to rehabilitate the spine and help decrease your pain.

How to do back exercises

- Back exercises must be done in a controlled and gradual manner.

- The patient must consult a spine specialist before starting back exercises.

- At Lotus Wellness Centre we have trained experts who will help you in developing an individualized program of back exercises that will help you in dealing with pain.

- Back exercises need to be done in correct form and technique as prescribed by professional trainers.

- In order to be effective, the patient’s program at Lotus Wellness Centre is comprehensive, and takes care of the whole body, while also working specifically on the back.

- Two specific and effective back exercises that treat back pain well are McKenzie exercises and dynamic lumbar stabilization.

- You might need back exercises if-

- You pull or strain your back, which will lead to back problems.

- If you indulge in strenuous physical activity

- If you lift too heavy weight suddenly

- At the Lotus Wellness Centre we advice all the patients who come with back pain problems on the need to protect their back and the measures that can be taken in this regard. Our trainers and wellness experts take stock of the patient’s lifestyles and try and give you a program for back exercises based on your schedule, particular problem and its condition.

- When you begin with the back exercises, if you already have a problem, you might feel uneasy or discomfort initially. But light and gentle exercises everyday under the guidance of out trained professional will help you in the long run. Moreover we make sure that you don’t overstress yourself and are well within your limits.

- The back pain exercises that are generally prescribed to the patients at Lotus Wellness Centre are gentle and help in stretching and strengthening the muscles of your back. This will help give pain relief to the back as well as help in speedy recovery.

- We recommend that you don’t try back pain exercises by yourself at home initially because you might just worsen your condition. Our experts at Lotus Wellness Centre will be happy to help you in this regard.

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